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Optimize your system performance

The first steps you should take to ensure that the MLS runs at optimum speed on your computer are:

In addition, many factors affect how fast your computer can perform on the Internet.

Consider adding more RAM to your computer: If your computer runs slowly, especially when multiple programs are open (such as Internet Explorer, Microsoft Word and Microsoft Outlook), adding more RAM (random access memory) will improve your computer's performance. If your computer has less than 256MB of RAM, try increasing it to at least that amount. This is the least expensive and most effective type of hardware upgrade you can purchase.

Improve your Internet connection: Your computer’s performance on the Internet depends greatly on the type of Internet connection you are using. If you currently use a dial-up connection and would like a faster Internet experience, consider upgrading to a broadband connection, such as DSL or cable. Even with a dial-up connection, you can optimize your experience by using a modem that conforms to the V.92 standard and disabling any background programs, such as instant messengers, while running the MLS.

Consider your software provider’s hardware guidelines: Most software providers offer specifications for the hardware you will need to run their applications. To experience satisfactory performance, it is important that your computer meets or exceeds these requirements. See Hardware Guidelines for more information on the Rapattoni MLS Hardware Guidelines.

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